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When No Doesn’t Mean No…..Teamwork Determines the Truth

March 7th, 2011

Author’s note:  The following blog is by Timothy P. Manley, MSW, LCSW, Forensic Social Worker in the Mental Health Unit of the Fairfax  County (VA) Adult Detention Center. 

Teamwork is important in any correctional facility…it saves lives and keeps everyone safe.  Tim addresses this important topic in the following article, and I extend to him my sincere thanks for this great contribution.  GFC

We have all heard it.  No means no.  We heard it as children when we asked our parents a second or third time for permission for something we hoped to have or do.  A prized toy found at the check out counter, a more favorable extension to a curfew, the use of the family car. We now likely use the statement ourselves with anyone who does not want to accept our negative response.  It is our final answer. No means no!

There is, however, a very dangerous occasion when no does not necessarily mean no.  I was reminded of that recently when interviewing an inmate who had been referred to our jail mental health section by a concerned family member’s telephone call.  The caller had spoken with her brother, an inmate, who, having been found guilty, was likely to receive a long sentence.  The family had become concerned about his level of self-risk. He had not made any direct statements that evening, but they recalled a comment made long before his arrest that if he was to serve a prison sentence he would rather kill himself.  They asked us to assess him for suicide risk.

While I was interviewing the inmate, his general demeanor and responses to all my questions did not suggest risk.  When he was directly asked, he said no to any thoughts of suicide or self-harm. He minimized the statement recalled by his family, and frankly presented himself as one who considered suicide the furthest thing from his mind. While his nonchalant attitude did cause me suspicion, the inmate gave me no overt indication that he was suicidal.

That is when the value of staff communication and teamwork worked together in preventing a tragedy.  When I called for the inmate to meet with me, I had informed the post sergeant of the family’s concern. While I was completing my interview, the sergeant, who, after sending the inmate, had instigated a complete cell search and had her deputies look through the inmate’s property.  Within his property, the deputies found a suicide letter written in the inmate’s hand and directed to his family.  The same family, the inmate had assured me, was the very reason he would never harm himself.  Had it not been for teamwork and the thorough search by the confinement staff, our attempt to keep this young man safe would have been in vain. 

This incident reminded me of some things worth noting.

First and foremost is that there is no room for the lone expert in the field of corrections.  We all come into this line of work with various levels of expertise and corrections works best when all professions are involved and respected. 

All too often, I have heard the statement, “I’m no mental health expert, but…” Many of the skills used by those in corrections and law enforcement are very similar to the work of the mental health staff.  Observe, listen, and respond.  Relatively, the mental health staff spends a brief amount of time with the inmate while a correctional officer is observing hours of the inmate’s life.  These observations include his or her interactions with other inmates, the demeanor before and after court and his or her behavior before and after phone calls to the outside world.  That information when communicated is gold to the mental health professional.

Another is the importance of professional follow through. While the inmate was referred to the “mental health expert”, that did not stop the confinement staff from using their professional expertise, investigating the situation fully. Custody staff has the ability to search cells and actually enter into that part of the inmate’s world that can easily be hidden during a mental health interview.  A person bent on self-destruction will often deny even the suicidal thought, all the while preparing to act in the quiet of their cell.  It never hurts to ask ourselves: “did I use every resource available in gathering the information that I will use to make my decision?”

That said, the inmate’s simple denial of suicide is not a surety that the person is safe. When there is a concern for safety, a negative response to the question of self-harm should always be challenged.  

Finally, there is never enough good communication. Just when we are getting tired of passing on the information someone is just getting the message.

What is most important to remember, no matter your professional training, is that we are a team inside the jail.  None of the professionals can be independently successful and one should not sell short others, or abdicate their own skills.  It is only in teamwork that we can get the truth and be successful.  Plautus, a Roman writer living before the Common Era, said it concisely, “No man is wise enough by himself.”



Down the Hallway………

February 4th, 2011

In life, we all walk down hallways.  Some of us walk down hallways for a job interview, some to the principal’s office (in our younger days) and unfortunately down hospital hallways to see a loved one or friend who is sick.  It is human nature to glance into rooms as we walk by.

Working inside a jail-it is no different.   In my jail career I walked down hallways in the inmate housing areas thousands of times.  I never lost the habit-even as I was promoted and transferred-of glancing into the inmate areas that I was walking by, especially in the special housing areas where inmates are segregated for various reasons.  In law enforcement, we are trained to be observers.

This subject has two critical aspects that need to be discussed. 

Extra eyes and ears:  All jail staff are supposed to have the welfare of the inmates and staff in mind.  This is not wishful thinking.  If sworn and non sworn staff learn to appreciate each other’s roles and respect their jobs, it is possible to attain a level of teamwork.  So-if a civilian is walking down the hallway in the jail receiving area and sees an inmate in a cell pacing and crying, hopefully that civilian will mention it to the officer on post.  The officer on post should go down that hallway and spend a few minutes talking to the inmate.  It may be a case where officers thought that the inmate was stable, but circumstances have changed.  The inmate may now be suicidal.

Now-I do know that jail posts are busy.  Movement of many people inside  a jail is common; many are thinking of their own tasks or jobs.  But-if a person, whether it be a volunteer, programs staff person, a chaplain, a commissary employee, or a mental health counselor-observes unusual situations or behaviors, that information should be mentioned to the custody staff.  In a jail, where the inmates outnumber the officers, these extra “eyes and ears” can be very helpful.

There are some correctional officers that “look down” on staff that are not in uniform.  An officer may say:  “It’s my job, not theirs!” 

I would answer with this: 

” If I worked in a building where the people that I watch don’t want to be here, do not like me, are potentially harmful, are unpredictable and  try to undermine me at every turn, I would welcome any input from any conscientious person to make my job easier.” 

Think about it.

Pass-on:  The second critical aspect is the accuracy of pass-on information.  Many jails have roll calls.  Some do not.  As for me, I think that all jails should have roll calls, not just for staff assignments and relieving each other.  Maybe I am old fashioned, but I like the roll call session approach where a supervisor goes over incident reports filed since the squad was on duty last.  Critical information on inmates can be discussed, especially concerning those in segregation and in need of close observation.  It is like the old TV series “Hill Street Blues” where the veteran sergeant goes over incidents and gives advice, always ending with something like “Let’s be careful out there”.

 The written word is the best way to pass on information, not general verbal messages like “A couple of inmates got into it upstairs-they are in lock down-see you later”.  Sloppy pass on can result in inmate/staff  injury, death, criminal activity or escape.  I would hate to be on the witness stand and have to relate the little or no pass on information that I received about an inmate.  Also, if an officer is in a hurry to go home (I know the feeling), he or she should take the extra time to let the oncoming staff know what is going on in detail.   Better to do that or get a phone call at home on your day off, right?

So-if someone walking down the hallway gives you good observations or information-write it down.   Write it down for all staff to share, and pass it on accurately and responsibly.

One last thought:  Working a jail post is like working the floor in a hospital-but the patients are significantly different.  The next time you are in a hospital-look at the nurses’ station.  They are communicating with a lot of people-the welfare of the patients is their top priority.  In the jail, the safety and welfare of the inmates and staff are priority.  That helps us in jails earn the public trust.

Just some food for thought.



The Many Informal Roles of the CO

January 27th, 2011

Remember when you graduated from the academy?  You were now a correctional officer- a CO.   Spit and polish….the brass….the patch, and most of all… the badge on your chest.   You were proud and rightfully so.  You were ready to work inside one of the toughest buildings known to man-the correctional facility.  Some of you work inside a prison,  inside a local jail, and let’s not forget-some of you work inside a juvenile facility.  The job for staff inside juvenile facilities can be just as stressful and dangerous as in adult facilities.

Offhand I cannot recite chapter and verse all of the training topics that correctional officers undergo in our nation’s correctional training academies.  I do know that the formal duties that are discussed include  searching inmates, taking counts,  maintaining order and enforcing facility rules, regulations, and the laws of the jurisdiction where the facility is located.   The abilities to perform these duties are tested, practiced and evaluated.

However, while interpersonal communications and formal duties are taught in many academies, the informal roles of the correctional officer must be examined.  Although the impact of these roles will not really be felt until a CO is on the job for a while, a new CO should know about them at the very beginning of his or her career.

There are six informal roles.  They are:

  • psychologist:  recognizing the symptoms of mental illness and referring inmates to the mental health staff.  This does not mean that the CO diagnoses the disorder, but it is important that he or she recognizes unusual behavior and reports the inmate and observations, while taking appropriate safety precautions.
  • legal advisor:  this does not mean that a CO plays “lawyer”.  Incarceration is traumatic-even to the “frequent flier”-you know-the inmate that frequently drops into the jail to say hello.  You must answer questions about bond, court dates, getting an attorney, etc.  Be careful-do not give advice on how to plead, etc.  That is up to the offender and his or her attorney.  They may try to get that advice out of you.  Your standard answer should be:  “Talk to your attorney”.   You may also have to explain “going down the road” (transfer from the jail after conviction to prison) or how the facility disciplinary system works.
  • parent:  Yes, it is unfortunate that you must advise grown adults on proper behavior, even including maintaining proper hygiene.   Inmates argue over things such as television and board games; mature people would not.  At times, it seems that the COs must be  strict parents, telling inmates if they misbehave,  they will be punished.
  • information agent:  COs conduct inmate orientations and answer inmates’ questions about facility policies, routines, and services.  One might think that inmates would read the Inmate Handbook.  Regrettably, many do not  and would rather have the information explained to them.  COs do not have the time to read verbatim the handbook, but can explain it and advise the inmates that they should read it.  If inmates are illiterate or do not speak English, the COs have to devise ways to get the message across, sometimes using trusties (be careful who you choose) or interpreters.
  •  counselor:  COs give advice to inmates on options for handling problems, such as substance abuse, getting into programs, etc.  In more serious cases, COs have to talk to inmates who are depressed and possibly suicidal;  you must talk to them to keep them alive.  It is all right to advise inmates on what they can do to help themselves.  However-be careful in giving advice.  Many inmates want staff to do the hard work for them and take ownership of the problem.  For example-an inmate who abuses alcohol can be advised to enroll in substance abuse programs or Alcoholics Anonymous.   This does not mean that the CO should do all of the legwork about finding out options for the inmate.  You can steer him in the right direction-the rest is up to him.  As I have told my college classes-“rehabilitation includes making the inmate realize what he or she must do to help themselves”.  You must keep in mind that offenders have gone through life getting people to do things for them.
  • diplomat:   COs take steps to stop trouble in inmate housing areas before it starts.  That does not mean that all arguments and disputes between inmates can be defused or settled.  Many times inmates must be separated and moved due to safety concerns.  But-there are situations where good interpersonal communication skills, maturity and concern for inmate welfare can be exhibited by the CO to prevent verbal altercations from escalating into physical altercations.

These informal roles are important and must be mentioned in staff training.  Working inside a jail can assist the CO in how to handle a variety of people, especially those who are resistant to authority, while maintaining a calm demeanor.

One question:  Are trainers discussing them?

Source:  Cornelius, Gary F.  (2010).  The Correctional Officer:  A Practical Guide Second Edition.  Durham:  Carolina Academic Press.



Clipboard or Sounding Board?

January 19th, 2011

Jail officers carry an array of equipment-personal alarm devices, radios, pepper spray, etc.  One piece of equipment is the good old fashioned clipboard.  Why discuss a clipboard?  Well… you can put your post log on it to write, you can use it to complete forms, etc.  It’s handy.  It’s convenient.  And-it can be symbolic. More later on that.

As I look back over a career in the jail, I recall that when I transferred to work release from confinement, my thinking had to change.  I was going from a strict, punishment environment to community corrections.  In other words, my thinking had to shift from keeping inmates locked up in a more secure setting (punishment) to affording them opportunities to get ready for release (treatment and prevention).  The jail proper, while affording inmates program opportunities, realistically just kept them secured.  Community corrections, such as work release, is concerned with providing treatment for the inmate and subsequently preventing future crime.  In jail, inmates are securely confined.  In community corrections, inmates are carefully selected and screened and released into the community to work, obtain treatment (such as a community education, substance abuse or vocational training program) and they are to get ready to return to the community.

Now-let’s take a look at one of the primary duties of a jail officer is to enforce the rules.  In the jail many officers say “write em up!”  I am not naïve; most jail inmates who violate the rules should be disciplined through the system starting with a report.  However-in community corrections, an inmate has a lot to lose for a violation such as income, progress made towards release and a chance to straighten out.  The consequences are more severe.  Still, some work release inmates violate the rules and should be dealt with.

I can recall receiving a call from substance abuse counselor about a young inmate who was not keeping his appointments.  Investigation revealed that the inmate was showing up for work, his urine and breath tests were clean, and he was not a management problem.  The on duty shift supervisor, a good officer and a recent transfer from the jail, grabbed a clipboard and a report form and was ready to “stroke” this inmate.  I, as programs director, said to wait and hear out the inmate.  When the inmate returned from work, I confronted him in private.  He acknowledged his substance abuse (alcohol) problem, but was reluctant to talk about it and some other problems.  I convinced him that cooperating with the counselor was better than returning to the jail.  He started making his appointments and we had no further problems with him.  To this day I hope that he started down a road to living crime free.  I deflected the clipboard-and was a sounding board.

In another example, a work release inmate returned to the pre release center after quitting his job at a local auto service center.  I again deflected the clipboard (and the write-up) and asked him why.  He said –and it was true-that he was a certified master auto mechanic and the work performed by others at his job was sloppy, the customers were getting cheated, and as a matter of pride he did not want to work there any longer.  I advised him of the correct way to quit a job such as discussing his concerns with the staff and not just walking off the job. 

Like I said-I am not naïve.  Some inmates deserve the write-up, the hearing and all of the consequences that result.  But-in some correctional environments, it may be advisable to set down the clipboard and be a sounding board.

By being a sounding board, we can correct behavior whenever we can…..isn’t that what corrections is about?



A Noble Profession

December 22nd, 2010

Thanks for taking time out of your busy day to check out my new blog.  Please take a look at the photo on the right.  When the good folks at the Corrections Connection asked me about starting a blog-and I am grateful-I was asked to choose a photo.  I chose a desk within a cell for a reason.

To those of us familiar with working inside a jail-with its good days, bad days, pressures and stresses, it seems at times that we too are  inmates,  being locked in with them throughout our workday.   In my travels, I have spoken to many jail officers who have told me that they have to stay at their posts and reliefs are few.  One can feel locked in.

The “About” page can give you an idea about what this blog is about.  However, many of us have been asked by good citizens-“You work in a jail?”   This blog can help the jail staff by discussing ideas and training that can enhance the job inside a jail.

I have told people that work in a jail that they are part of a “noble profession”.  Why?  Jails are a critical component of the criminal justice system.  Jails confine lawbreakers who are newly arrested or are convicted in court.  Many of these criminals are angry or are experiencing serious problems, such as mental illness, substance abuse or behavioral issues based on a criminal lifestyle.  They have problems-and the jail officers and staff are on corrections’ front line in dealing with them.

The title of this first post is “A Noble Profession”.    Working inside a jail is a noble profession because:

  • Jails generally have to meet standards which dictate training and operational guidelines.
  • Jail officers receive good training which parallels training in other areas of law enforcement.
  • Jail staffs must enforce rules, regulations and gain the compliance of inmates.
  • Jails confine people that do not want to be confined and often are resistant to authority and supervision.
  • Jail staffs are subject to assault and dangerous situations.
  • Jail staffs protect the public by securely confining accused and convicted criminals.

I like the last one-jails protect the public.

The bottom line:  jails are keepers of the public trust.  By doing so effectively and professionally, jail staff-sworn and non sworn- are part of a:

Noble Profession

So-when you are on your post surrounded by offenders and working hard, don’t ever sell yourself short and forget that.


