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The Concerns of Inmates

August 13th, 2012

Correctional officers who have been in the field for some time realize that inmates are in many respects people-just like us. We all have needs and concerns; life is uncertain. We could fall ill, lose our job, have a traffic accident-we never know. It is an unsettling feeling at times and we all have been through it. The difference is that when one is a law abiding citizen, and not locked up, it is easier to cope with life’s concerns, problems and worries than if one were incarcerated. Correctional officers also know that if they work with the inmates and alleviating some of these fears, the inmates will be easier to manage.

Is this concept addressed in training? Hopefully in some correctional agencies it is. Besides the important concept of security and all it includes, it is important for officers to recognize the effects that being incarcerated has on anyone-especially the inmate. This column will attempt to show correctional officers that in many respects, inmates and officers think alike. Even the veteran officer who is a little jaded will realize that they and inmates are just…..human. Being jaded can come from dealing with inmates who are assaultive, are troublemakers and seem to exist in the facility just to give officers and staff “hell”. It becomes easy to stereotype inmates as all being negative when some are not.

I teach an in service class for jail officers called: From Booking to Release: How Inmates Do Time. Recently, I was presenting to a class of jail officers for several large, modern jails. I discussed the seven needs of inmates, first researched by Hans Toch and discussed by Robert Johnson in his book Hard Time: Understanding and Reforming the Prison, Third Edition. If correctional officers know these needs and preferences the climate of the facility will be more positive for the keepers and the kept.

First, these are the concerns needs researched and codified by Hans Toch. Each is followed by a concise description (Johnson, 2002):

  • Activity: to be occupied, fill time, a need for distraction, entertained
  • Privacy: being over stimulated (such as in a noisy, crowded environment)
  • Safety: concern about physical attack, well being, harassment, theft of property
  • Emotional feedback: desire to be loved, appreciated, emotional sustenance, empathy
  • Support: concern about reliable and tangible assistance from persons and access to services that promote and support self improvement and advancement
  • Structure: environmental stability, consistent rules, events and routines
  • Freedom: being able to govern one’s own conduct

In summary, inmates are concerned about being occupied and not idle, seeking privacy where possible, being safe, being healthy, being loved and considered to be someone besides a law breaker, having access to ways to improve themselves, being in a facility where the routine is structured, predictable and has no surprises and finally to be able to govern their own behavior and to be treated like an adult. Inmate concerns can also include worry: asking what will happen? What will happen in court? Will I still have a job if and when I get released? How will my family survive while I am in here? When will I be released? Another concern could be remorse: Will I ever be able to make up for what I did? [Generally rare-but some inmates do think that way!]. Some inmates also worry about health: getting sick, being around other inmates who are not hygienic, etc.

Now-let’s take the class of jail officers. I asked them what their concerns and worries would be if they were locked up. What would go through their minds if they walked through a jail door, knowing that they will be incarcerated there for a while? The responses from the class in my view are very similar to Toch’s views of inmates’ concerns. So-let’s revisit the seven concerns and after each, I have listed in italics the views of the officers. I have also added the additional concerns. Keep in mind that some views of the officers can apply to more than one concern.

  • Activity: getting fresh air [outside recreation], visits, phone calls.
  • Privacy: will inmate housing be double or single [one or two inmates to a cell.
  • Safety: who will I be housed with and what other inmates are like, will I get sick.
  • Emotional feedback: visiting, mail, phone [keeping in contact with family].
  • Support: substance abuse programs and help, legal help, mental health programs, religious programs, Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous groups and reintegration programs.
  • Structure: health needs [sick call, medical services], property and money being safeguarded, food service and meals, rules being fairly enforced.
  • Freedom: while class did not think of this, all agreed that inmates like to be treated as adults and be informed of the consequences of good behavior and bad behavior.
  • Worry: what will happen in court, legal worries, money and job worries, when I will be released.
  • Remorse: having emotional distress, guilt and remorse and what can they do about them.
  • Health: maintaining a high level of hygiene, keeping healthy.

This discussion can go further in any class of jail officers. The point that I am making-hopefully clear-is that the concerns of inmates as indicated by research shows the human side of them. True-they are accused or convicted of breaking the law. They do live by a different moral code than correctional officers. The purpose of this exercise is to show to officers that if faced with incarceration, they would be worried and concerned in certain areas-just like inmates. If some considerations are shown by officers in understanding the worries and concerns of inmates, and staff behavior respects what inmates are going through-some of the worries and fears may be abated. For example, if an inmate is concerned about threats from other inmates and officers take quick action to protect him, word may travel through the cellblocks that in this place the officers will listen. Or-if an inmate is concerned about getting clean and sober and an officer assists with placement in a program-that inmate will get along with that officer. Correctional officers and inmates may get along better-and that benefits the institution.

In closing I must remind officers to watch out for the manipulators and keep safety in mind. They are inmates-but they are people, too; people that have concerns-just like us.


Johnson, Robert. (2002). Hard Time: Understanding and Reforming the Prison: Third Edition. Belmont: Wadsworth.



For The Trainer

June 8th, 2012

In my career, I have been a member of many different organizations. In retirement, I hold membership in just several-the American Correctional Association, the American Jail Association, the International Association for Correctional and Forensics Psychology and the International Association of Correctional Training Personnel. Why? In “retirement” I use their excellent materials for teaching, writing and consulting. People join organizations for different reasons. Some join for the materials, some for the conferences, and some because they want to advance themselves professionally.

How about the correctional trainer? They are the ones who have to implement their agencies’ policies and procedures through staff training. Not only do standards have to be met, but problems come up in jails, prisons, community corrections, probation and parole and juvenile centers. For example, a jail experiences a suicide. The training committee meets-the sheriff wants an intense program of suicide prevention training-not just reading the general order at roll calls. It is up to the trainer-he or she has to come up with objectives, write a lesson plan, plan the scheduling and most importantly- presenting training in ways that keeps it focused and interesting. Also, training personnel track required hours for training and coordinate on the job training for new personnel coming out of the academy. However you slice it-training personnel have a tough job.

There is an organization for correctional and criminal justice trainers: the International Association of Correctional Training Personnel or IACTP. First formed in 1974, it is for correctional trainers. I have been a member since 1986 and currently serve on the Board of Directors, representing local adult corrections.

The economy is not where it should be; any informed citizen knows that. Budgets are tight and people both inside and outside of corrections want the most for the dollars that they spend. An individual membership to IACTP costs only $50.00 per year-and that membership has many benefits for the correctional trainer:

• Networking with other trainers: trainers who have a need for new material or to refresh training methods can contact the membership for assistance and get new perspectives and ideas.

• Trainer certification: IACTP and the American Jail Association (AJA) have joined together to certify adult and juvenile system trainers through a review and testing process. A two step process has been developed by IACTP and AJA Commissioners. Achievement of certification can enhance a trainer’s professionalism and career.

• The Correctional Trainer: an on line journal that contains a variety of articles about correctional training; it is a great resource. The Twenty Minute Trainer and other articles can give criminal justice and correctional trainers a new understanding of training ideas and topics. Want to write? The editor is always looking for new articles. Writing for the Trainer can be a great start of a correctional writing career-it was for me.

The best benefit? An annual training conference like no other. IACTP Conferences are held annually; the locations vary around the country both to make traveling easier and give attendees the benefit of experiencing local criminal justice agencies. Local corrections and criminal justice agencies host conferences and provide great tours of their facilities and a chance to network with their staff. I have attended several conferences and have attended many conference seminars on corrections training from the best, brightest and the most innovative thinkers in correctional training. I have also presented at conferences and the feedback, discussions and networking from members are always enjoyable and beneficial. Once you attend an IACTP Conference, you will come away with the thought: “It was well worth it”.

This year the IACTP’s 27th Annual Trainer’s Conference will be on October 21 through 24, 2012 in Charleston, West Virginia and will be hosted by the West Virginia Department of Corrections. The seminars will contain up to date correctional information training that will enable you to take material, information, contacts AND ideas back to your agencies.

The IACTP Conferences have a great exhibit hall, where many vendors from all over corrections display their wares. If you are like me and want to keep up with criminal justice and corrections’ technology, hardware, software and new training material, the exhibit hall is a great way to do it.

I hope that I have gotten you-the correctional trainer-thinking about improving training in your agency. The IACTP web site is or you can link to it at We need members-and you will, if you become a member-get a very big “bang for your buck”.

Please go there-it worth a look. The contacts and friends you make in this organization will be lasting.



It’s OK to Listen

March 22nd, 2012

Hello to all and Happy Spring! I am back after a break. I was scanning some articles for use in my college class on jails. I came across an article from the Los Angeles Times. Last fall, Sheriff Lee Baca, head of the LA County jail system held a “town hall” type of meeting with male inmates. The jail is under scrutiny due to allegations of abusive behavior and a federal law enforcement investigation.

Sheriff Baca had jail commanders make notes of the inmate complaints, which ranged from lack of medical care, problems with programs, length of visiting sessions and infrequency of showers. The session was open to the media.

I admire Sheriff Baca in his efforts to improve the operations of the jail.

Just a few observations if I may:

First: Inmate complaints should be listened to by officers. If they are frivolous, the inmates need to be told this. Jail officers should realize that nothing runs one hundred percent smoothly, especially a county jail. I worked in one. There were always operations, conditions and services that could be improved-including staff behavior at times. Inmates are not perfect-and neither are we. They are in our custody, and a responsibility for maintaining a well run jail comes with the job. Improving jail conditions requires teamwork from all staff sections and management. Don’t wait until grievances are flooding in, lawyers are calling the jail, the media is out in the jail lobby and families are complaining to the sheriff.

Second: I have heard this from the public and some staff: “They are in jail-too bad”. I believe that jails should be secure, strict and also humane. We pride ourselves on being a humane nation. Our nation’s jails do not have to be substandard.

Third: Watch the inmate “grandstander”. There are inmates who love the spotlight. If you want an idea what is going on in terms of improvement of conditions, seek out the quiet, low key, mature “just let me do my time” inmate. These inmates want to do their time, be left alone and either get released or be transferred to the prison system. If you do seriously listen to their complaints and take action and inform your supervisors, you gain credibility and improve your interpersonal relations with them.

Fourth: Some inmates are constant complainers and may gripe about frivolous matters. They are manipulative and think that their plight is horrible. You know that their record of conduct may not be a good one-behavior has consequences. They want to have a comfortable existence in the jail-on their terms. Let them know in a matter of fact way that their grievances and complaints are frivolous.

It is OK to listen to inmates: just use common sense.


“Sheriff Lee Baca listens to inmate complaints at town hall meeting”, by Rong-Gong Lin II, Los Angeles Times, at, October 1, 2011.



On the bridge….

January 3rd, 2012

On the bridge….”I was standing on the bridge waiting to jump”… the past two and a half years since I have heard those words I have discussed a different perspective when training jail officers that encounter the suicidal inmate.   These words were told to a class of jail officers in September 2009.  My teaching partner at ETC, Tim Manley and I had agreed to allow several mentally ill persons to speak to a class that we were conducting about dealing with the mentally ill offender.  The speakers were recommended by and came to us from the National Alliance on Mental Illness or NAMI.  They were an interesting addition to the class and trainers should consider contacting NAMI to use them; NAMI personnel trains and screens the speakers.

Several of the speakers spoke of being depressed.  One, who I will call “Linda”, told us of her history of mental illness, and she could not have been more than 30 years of age.  She had been hospitalized 29 times and had lived on the street and in shelters.  She has since been able to manage her mental illness (one is never cured) and has since successfully gone on to college.

During the time that her mental illness was out of control, she lived in fear and described her life as “being afraid of everything.”

She had our attention as she told a story of one of her suicide attempts.  She was standing on a bridge, thinking about jumping and ending her life.  Two police officers arrived, approached her and by their actions prevented her from killing herself.

This is where I pause in my instruction.  I tell the class that Linda described the officers’ behavior.  She finally said to herself that she thought that maybe the act of suicide was not the answer.

I then ask the class to describe these officers, which results in a discussion where each officer attendee that gives me a trait has to explain why he or she came up with that particular trait.  This exercise gets them to think.

The descriptions of the officers that Linda told us can be applied to any corrections officer that is trying to keep an inmate from in a sense, stepping off of the bridge.  When an inmate is thinking about ending his or her life and a corrections officer is dealing with him or her, the traits that Linda said that these officers displayed may prevent a suicide, and bring the inmate back from the edge.

Linda described these officers as:

Gentle: they did not act rough, tough or authoritative.

Kind: they realized that she needed help, and felt empathy.

Concerned: the focus of their interest was her well being.

Respectful: she was troubled, mentally ill, but she was a person, deserving of basic human dignity and respect.

Polite: they displayed well mannered behavior.

Did not get annoyed or bothered: she was the most important person in the world at that particular time; they did not try to “rush” the situation.

Linda described some of the things that the two officers said.  They explained what they were going to do.  They asked her several important questions:  “Can I help you?” and “Do you want help?” and “Do you have someone that we could contact?”

I think that the way that these two officers approached and handled this suicidal young woman can be applied to dealing with suicidal inmates in our nation’s jails.  In training we can learn about data such as profiles of suicidal inmates, the times that they attempt suicide, the rates of substance abuse among suicidal inmates, manipulation with some inmates, methods and so on.  This information is important and should be discussed.

But-the way that officers should manage, handle and communicate with suicidal inmates must be also explored.  My teaching partner, Tim Manley, has a good rule:  when dealing with a person who is thinking of suicide, it is important to let the person talk and stay with the person. Listen to what they are saying, and keep that human contact focused.    To do this-an officer must act like the police officers did that day-talking a young woman into continuing her life, instead of stepping off into the abyss. You, as were the police officers, are the lifeline. You have to stay with the person until the matter is turned over to the mental health staff.

One final word…..the job is stressful, and we jail officers deal with many different offenders-people that have gotten themselves into trouble and have found themselves seemingly at the bottom of life’s barrel.

But-they are still people……..people that want to live.

Author’s note:  The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) can serve as a great training resource.  The NAMI website can be accessed at  The information telephone helpline is 1-800-950-NAMI (6264).



Civilians Naive? Not Hardly!

November 18th, 2011

Last month I had the privilege of attending the 10th annual National Prisoner Reentry Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, sponsored by the Christian Association for Prison Aftercare (CAPA). As a jail officer veteran I was asked to present a seminar titled “Maintaining Boundaries as a Reentry Professional”. I prepared a seminar focusing on offender behavior, the characteristics of sworn and non sworn staff and tools they can use to guard against offender manipulation. I, being sworn staff, expected to “enlighten them” somewhat. I was pleasantly surprised that my material was well received and appreciated.

My point is this: Those of us who wear the unform in the jail may be led to believe-through our expereinces of dealing with offenders-that civilians-some and certainly not all-are naive and need to be bluntly informed about offenders. After all, many and certainly not all of us wearing the badge, say the good old adage-“Inmates only get religion when they come to jail”. Yes-many do and not for positive reasons such as to try to reform their criminal behavior. I have heard and have been disgusted by comments from jail officers describing volunteers and civilians “do-gooders” and “Bible Thumpers”. In my career-the most rewarding job that I had was programs dorector. I worked with many good, decent, kind, caring volunteers and civilians. Like the ones that I encountered in my jail career, many of the folks attending the CAPA Conference were not naive and uninformed about offenders. I presented the seminar twice, and in both sessions had good discussions with reentry full time staff and volunteers. In meeting these folks, I was glad to discover that many are very much aware aboiut criminal behavior and manipulation. CAPA is commended for hosting a worthwhile conference where good people receive training to help offenders reform. I also met several ex offenders who were involved in offender reenty and rehabilitation

So-with that in mind, I would like to address a few issues:

Concering the comment: “Inmates only get religion when they come into the jail”, some do. I am not naive. But-some offenders try to do the right thing by attending religious programs and activties as well as working one on one with chaplains’ staffs and volunteers. My view is that while many offenders sign up for religious activities, reforming behavior is hard work. The manipulative ones will usually be exposed and “weeded out”. Some offenders will not ever change. These types of offenders will always be coming into jails and prsions. The ones who stay with it most likely behave towards staff and other offenders in positive ways. More simply: Being involved in poisitive programs such as relkigious activiies and mentoring cancels out negative behavior.

The second issue is the comment from sworn staff: “Civilians do not understand security”. Why not? How are they trained? Is the training very cursory or is enough time spent training civilians in security, communicating with staff, what to do in emergencies, criminal thninking, manipualtion and the responsibilities of sworn staff? My staff and I trained many civilians, and in retirement, I still enjoy that. It is crucial that all civilians-staff receive good training in operartions, dealing with offenders and security. Also-does the sworn staff receive training on what the civilians do? Sworn staff should relaize that civilians conducting counseling and programs can have a positive effect on the facility climate. Inmates can talk to people who care-and by doing so much anger and anxiety can be reduced.

The final issue concerns comments such as “Volunteers and civilians make the security job harder”. To that I say this: Civilians and volunteers, when prioperly trained, serve as extra eyes and ears among the offender populations. Offenders can talk to them-sometimes letting them know about problems in the husing areas or in their personal lives. In my programs director careerr, concerned civilians let me and my staff know about offender behavioralk issues- and in doing so, two potential suicides were thwatrted because the mental health staff was informed. I always thought that anyone-wearing a badge or not-who was observant and communicated with staff about what was going on inside the facilirty was worthy of respect.



Rescuing Fellow Officers

September 16th, 2011

Recently I wrote a blog that explored the idea that jail officers act as lifeguards when dealing with suicidal inmates.  Recently, I came across an article by a law enforcement veteran that discusses rescuing our fellow officers.

In the article “Keep cool:  How to stay professional despite provocation”, retired police lieutenant Dan Marcou discusses how offenders and inmates conquer officers by angering them.  It’s true-those of us who work in jails develop over time a “thick skin” that deflects verbal insults, insulting remarks or the sort of hate-filled speech that some-and not all-inmates spew at us.  To them, using “trigger words”, which may get under our skin and push our buttons, is great entertainment.  Also, an officer can slip down the slope into the pit of liability if he or she loses control and acts out resulting in excessive force, harassment or other degrading behavior towards an inmate.  An officer on the witness stand in an inmate lawsuit saying “he called me an SOB and threatened to go to my kid’s school” is not a justification for violating an inmate’s constitutional rights-no matter what his views of inmates’ rights are.  Correctional officers are paid to let a lot of harassment roll off their shoulders.  We avoid using trigger words to anger inmates but as we know-they often do not extend the same courtesy to us.

We professional jail officers who believe in doing our jobs in the most effective and ethical ways possible can both keep off the slippery slope and rescue fellow officers who allow their buttons to be pushed.

Lt. Marcou has several suggestions:

Identify your trigger words:  Know what your own trigger words are and do everything that you can to avoid using them when dealing with inmates.  For example, if you frequently use the phrase “Have a nice day”, it may have a negative effect on an inmate.  They may think-“Oh yeah-I’m in jail and you tell me to have a nice day?” One of the phrases that I was very cautious about using was “I don’t care”.  True-there are days when you do not want to hear one more inmate complaint or problem….but we are in the people business and you have to listen to them. To a jail inmate, staff using that phrase a lot shows uncaring attitudes when trying to bring staff attention to a problem.   

Also, know what subjects are sensitive to you.  For example, we all love our spouses and children.  If an inmate says “when I get out, I am going to your kids’ school,” or “I know where your wife works,” remember that is a trap-it is bait to make you respond unprofessionally.  Think proactively, prepare professional responses and implement them.  One of the best ones that I practiced in my jail career was to just walk away.  I would tell the inmate that he or she was acting inappropriately and I would return when they were acting more maturely. The satisfaction that I always thought of was that I am going home at the end of the shift-and they are not.

Enjoy the show:  Lt. Marcou suggests that you observe carefully how inmates choose their trigger words-it is entertaining!  To the overweight jail officer, an inmate may say “Take off that badge so I stomp your fat a__”.   While conducting a pat down or strip search on an inmate, the inmate may sarcastically say to the officer “Getting your jollies?  Are you gay?”  To an officer who is black they may throw around the N___ word; to female officers they may say “you C___ or B___.  Inappropriate racial epithets are not off limits to the inmate.  Officers should anticipate them and act professionally.

Be ready to rescue an officer:   Known as “officer override”, this technique can save a fellow officer from playing into the inmates’ hands.  When a veteran jail officer observes another officer-veteran or rookie-losing self control and responding inappropriately to inmate trigger words, he should step in.  Use ready techniques such as “Hey-the sarge is calling you on the radio”; “there is a phone call for you at post 4”, or “I need some help here-got a minute?”  You are removing the officer from the scene and getting him away from the inmate.  Once removed from the scene, you can talk to the officer, telling him or her what you observed and how it could have escalated.  Or-you can take over dealing with the inmate while the other officer takes a few deep breaths and calms down, all part of a refocusing process. 

Why do inmates act in such a way?  To get you to act unprofessionally, lose your cool, and cross the line.  Verbal shouting matches could lead to the inmate filing grievances.  No matter what happens, the officer looks bad if the inmate gets under his skin.  Angry officers lose control.  The inmate wins by the officer acting unprofessionally, either verbally or physically.  In a stressful occupation, who needs the additional stress of an internal affairs investigation or discipline from the agency supervisors?  Remember-the officer has to talk to his supervisor about inappropriate behavior, and the inmate just goes back into the block and has a good laugh.

There are other serious ramifications.  If a jail officer responds negatively to trigger words, out of control anger can lead to force, which may lead to violations of the inmate’s civil rights.  The officer’s career is over if found liable.  Also, other officers will have to defuse the situation, resulting in “hands on” the inmate, use of force and possible injury both to inmates and fellow officers.  

Concerning use of force, the jail officer is trained to control inmates, protect others and defend himself.  Marcou says-and correctly-that officers may win the fight, but will most likely lose legally and professionally a fight that is motivated by rage.  Defensible uses of force to control an inmate, protect inmates and staff and defend oneself will stand up to legal scrutiny.  These include kicks, body blows, restraint holds, punches, pepper spray, stun guns and batons.  In many circumstances these are understandable.  But-calling an inmate an a__hole, an SOB or other slur is difficult to defend.   

Finally-if an officer stands by and does not intervene when observing a situation involving excessive use of force on an inmate, he or she can be found just as liable as the officer who is losing control.  Remember-inmates will name in lawsuits not just the officers losing control but any other officers present. 

In closing-inmates use trigger words to trigger unprofessional conduct.  If they are successful, they have won the battle.

Don’t be on the losing end.


Lt. Dan Marcou, (retired).  (2010, February 10).  Keep cool:  how to stay professional despite provocation:  Beware of trigger words in an inmate’s verbal onslaught because the man who angers you conquers you!  CorrectionsOne News, retrieved from, April 19, 2011.




July 19th, 2011

If you have been following the antics occurring in Washington, DC this summer, then you, as am me are tired of the numbers….if politicians do this, we save X billions; if they do not do this, we lose X billions.  It is enough to give you a headache.

However, numbers can assist those of us who work inside a jail.  I teach a college class, and I tell students that statistics look very impressive in a research paper and sound very knowledgeable, but there are some numbers that have a critical bottom line.   I also take this approach in conducting in service training.  It is not important that a jail staff member knows numbers; it is more important to realize in a practical sense what the numbers actually imply.  It is more important to have this practical view than to walk around impressing folks with statistical data.

So, I looked around my office at my ever growing “stack of stuff” and picked out some publications containing correctional statistics.  I picked out a few numbers and will discuss what they mean for the folks working inside our nation’s jails.  Don’t get me wrong-numbers get us research, funding and insight.  But-they can paint a picture, too.

Mental Health of Jail Inmates*

Information on the mental health of jail inmates is available from many sources, including the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS).  In the report Mental Health Problems of Prison and Jail Inmates, released in September of 2006 (data revised in December 2006),   the most quoted statistics are that 64 per cent of local jail inmates were estimated to have a mental health problem; 21 percent reported a recent mental health problem history and 60 percent had symptoms.   To the jail officer, that is not very surprising.  Jail staffs encounter many mentally disordered inmates.  But-let’s look at specifics:

Behaviorally, the top five major depressive or mania symptoms can be important to the jail staff.  As reported in the above referenced report, the top five reported such symptoms (in past 12 months or since admission)  in jail inmates were:

  • Persistent anger and irritability                            (49.4%)
  • Insomnia or hypersomnia                                       (49.2%)
  • Psychomotor agitation or retardation               (46.2%)
  • Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt    (43.0%)
  • Increased or decreased appetite                           (42.8%)

What do these numbers mean for the jail staff?  Simply this- mentally, inmates in jails experience difficulties that pose risks for themselves, to the inmates around them and to the staff that they encounter.  Look at the anger/irritability statistic-almost one half of inmates are persistently angry or irritable.  You may want to keep that in mind the next time you have to deal with them and they are not in a good mood….or you see a staff member getting enjoyment from “pushing their buttons”.  Yes-you must assert authority and cannot “shy away” from inmates.  But just remember-watch out for the anger factor-it can be easily channeled towards you or another inmate.  Or-43 per cent of inmates feel worthlessness or guilt.  While only 12.9 per cent of inmates reported ever having attempted suicide, almost half report feeling worthless.  The key is to not escalate the situation to where overt acts of suicidal behavior occur.

Also reported in this BJS report was indications of psychotic behavior.   Approximately 24 per cent or about one in four jail inmates reported at least one symptom of psychotic disorder- a serious concern.  Delusions (believing that the brain or thoughts was being controlled by others, the mind could be read or one was being spied on by others) were reported in 17.5 percent of local jail inmates.  The bottom line?  Almost 1 in 5 inmates.  Hallucinations (seeing things or hearing things not seen or heard by others) were reported at a rate of 13.7-almost 14 percent.   Finally, almost one half (49 percent) of local jail inmates were reported to have problems in two critical areas:  mental health and substance abuse or dependence.  For jail staff, it is agreed that mental illness among inmate populations is bad enough, but the situation worsens when substance abuse complications are thrown into the mix.

Profile of Jail Inmates**

The Bureau of Justice Statistics published in 2004 a benchmark look at the jail population, the Profile of Jail Inmates, 2002.   Let’s take a look at a “snapshot” of some of the information that the profile provides plus some practical applications for jail officers and staff.

* Forty six per cent (46%) of jail inmates had a family member who had been incarcerated.  Practical application?  Many inmates are well versed in the criminal justice system, having been around family members who have been locked up.  Did Uncle Joe give his niece or nephew advice on how to scheme, manipulate or otherwise survive incarceration?  It may be that the jail education starts in the home.

* When all statistical data is considered, 77 per cent (77%) of convicted jail inmates were involved with alcohol and/or drugs at the time of the offense.  This means that almost 8 in 10 convicted inmates in jail have trouble with drugs and alcohol.  There are two things to consider:  on the positive side, inmate participation in substance abuse programs should be encouraged.  On the negative side, the “pull” of drugs and alcohol is strong, resulting in homemade “booze” being manufactured or drug smuggling flourishing as an illegal enterprise in the jail.  At times, as we sadly know, some jail staff members are enlisted in these endeavors.

* Considering marital status, in 2002 60.1 per cent of jail inmates have never been married.   Ask yourself-what does it take for an individual to be successfully married?  Consideration for others, respect for others, commitment, etc.-in other words-putting someone ahead of yourself.   Sociopathic offenders are narcissistic-they are number one.  Many use romantic and affectionate feelings as tools to “scam” staff.  They put no one ahead of themselves.

* It also takes commitment to obtain a good education.  In 2002, 25.9 per cent or almost 26 per cent of inmates had a high school diploma.  Almost one third (31.6%) had “some high school”.  Regarding college 10.1 per cent of local jail inmates reported some college and only 2.9 per cent had a college degree or post college education.  You know and I know that education involves respect for authority, following instructions and doing the schoolwork.  These are positive traits to have.  If one does not; chances are that he or she will not complete high school.  The practical application is that if an offender does not follow instructions and respect authority in school, there is a good chance that he also will not respect the authority of jail staff.

The bottom line?  Statistics have a bottom line.    They can tell you a lot of practical information about inmates.  Think how statistics can be used by you on the job-and keep your guard up!


* James, Doris J. and Lauren E. Glaze.  2006.  Mental Health Problems of Prison and Jail Inmates.  Washington, DC:  Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Government Printing Office.

** James, Doris J.  2004.  Profile of Jail Inmates, 2002.  Washington, DC:  Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Government Printing Office.



The Jail Correctional Officer: The Lifeguard

June 10th, 2011

An odd title, no doubt.  When one thinks of a lifeguard, the image that comes to mind is of a young, tanned man or woman sitting in a tower chair overlooking a beach or a swimming pool.  When swimmers engage in risky behavior or go out too far from the beach, the lifeguard blows the whistle and heads off a potentially dangerous situation.  In many cases they rescue people from drowning.

            Public safety personnel (police, fire and corrections) are in a sense, lifeguards.  All strive to head off dangerous behavior and at times rescue people from dangerous situations.  People are pulled from auto accidents, burning buildings and dangerous situations such as being stranded in the wild-just to name a few.  Correctional officers also strive to save lives, especially when encountering the suicidal inmate.

            In suicide prevention training, suicidal behavior is described as a “cry for help”.  The person, in this case the inmate, often doesn’t really want to die, and in many cases intervention by concerned staff have prevented many, but unfortunately not all suicides.  Any officer that works inside a prison or jail can knows this.

            The recent suicide in San Francisco Bay serves as an image of how a suicidal person is adrift in a sea of despair.  As reported by Reuters, a 53 year old man waded into neck deep water of San Francisco Bay off Alameda, California.   He had tried to kill himself previously by drowning.  As police and fire personnel watched from the shore, the man succumbed to the 54 degree water and drowned.  Efforts to convince him to return to shore proved fruitless, and a civilian onlooker finally swam out and pulled his body to shore.  Resuscitation efforts were in vain.  The Coast Guard could not get a boat into the shallow area where the man was; a Coast Guard helicopter arrived too late.       The local police and fire agencies are being severely criticized for their inaction.   Both the police and fire departments stated that investigations would be conducted and policies revised.  One police official said that the victim’s actions were no different than “a person going out to the ledge of a building or [on] the tracks of a train….. [he was] using the hypothermic qualities of the water to commit suicide” (Saveri, June 1, 2011).

            This article is not being written with the intention of pointing blame at the police and fire departments involved in this incident.  Public opinion will be formed and most likely the victim’s family will file lawsuits.  This article will make a point:  that suicidal people are frequently calling for help, drowning in a sea of despair, depression and despondency.  The public safety professionals-including jail corrections officers (COs)-are not to judge them, but must try to prevent them from taking one of our most precious gifts-life.

            In the profession of corrections, jail suicide prevention training has come a long way.  Training academies offer seminars in the subject, and it is required in order to meet accreditation from the American Correctional Association (American Correctional Association, 2010, p. 37).  More is known now about inmate suicide than probably at any other time in the history of corrections.  Also, courts have recognized that negligence by jail staff and/or inept practices have resulted in heartbreak for the victim’s families as well as expensive monetary damages against the correctional agencies.  There are a lot of studies and a lot of data, both readily available to jail training staffs.

            Besides these observations, there must be an examination on the human aspect of jail suicide.  In your mind, move the image of the man drowning in the bay to inside a jail.  You know that you cannot just stand there and let someone end his or her life.

            Jail officers must realize that no matter if they are in the lifeboat or on the shore, they must attempt to save the drowning inmate.  They must try to throw a lifeline or rope to try to keep the inmate from going under, no matter what they think of the inmate.  In jail work, it is easy to become jaded and calloused towards the thousands of inmates that are encountered in a career.  When a depressed inmate says something like “the world will be better off without me”, it is human to think:  “Sure will”.  But-we cannot let him take his own life.

            There are several steps in the process of correctional officers developing a mindset of guarded compassion regarding the suicidal inmate.  Guarded compassion means what it says….it is all right to be compassionate, but due to the manipulative behavior of some apparently suicidal inmates in trying to enlist staff sympathy for purposes of escape or trust, officers must always be on their guard.  A jail CO must think all the time about safety. These development steps are:

Realizing that you are in a people profession:   You are responsible for the people in your custody.  Yes-they are criminal offenders.  One of the hardest parts of being a jail correctional officer is to hold your emotions in check.  Some offenders are management problems; some are assaultive and will not “go along” with the rules.  But they are people:  they must not, as much as possible, be subjected to harm from others or themselves.  The courts will judge them; the jail CO’s job and professional mission is to keep inmates safe and securely confined until lawfully released or transferred to another correctional facility or program.

Realizing that inmates have problems:   Incarceration is painful.  A CO may think-“so what?  They put themselves in their predicaments.”  Once again-the CO’s job is not to judge.  The key is for the CO to have empathy for the inmate’s problems-understanding how their lives are “screwed up” without getting emotionally involved and losing objectivity, especially about manipulation and safety.

Jail correctional officers should be aware of that imprisonment is a “disheartening and threatening experience” for men and women.  People-when they find themselves locked up- discover that their careers [jobs] are disrupted, their relationships with people, such as with significant others, families and friends are disrupted and their hopes, aspirations and dreams “have gone sour”.  Due to immature coping with life’s many problems, they have not developed effective coping mechanisms which results in aggravated levels of stress.  (Johnson, 2002, pp. 82-83).

Realizing that “lifelines” can take many forms:  They are drowning and may decide to go under.  You can throw them a lifeline.  Lifelines can be non verbal, such as showing through body language concern, empathy and guarded compassion.  For example, you pass by an inmate’s cell.  She is crying.  You stop and look in.  You don’t do things like look skeptical, roll your eyes or look at your watch.  You show concern-and that inmate may think that you do care, and that at that moment, she is your top priority.  Also, throwing lifelines is not an individual effort-it is a team effort involving all staff that has daily contact with the inmates:  confinement, medical, classification, chaplains’ and mental health staffs.  All must collaborate and share information about potentially suicidal inmates.

Verbal lifelines can be simple:  “Are you all right”?  “What’s wrong”?  “Do you need to talk to someone?”  The best lifeline is showing concern, letting the inmate talk and being a good listener.

Verbal lifelines can be thrown to counteract what the inmate may be saying.   These lifelines give the inmate something to hold onto.  Some examples could be (Ellis and Newman, 1996, pp. 48-49):

The inmate says that his death “will show them”:  A counteractive statement from the CO-the lifeline-could be “Show them what-sorrow, grief?  Friends and family still care about you.  And you want revenge.  How can you feel revenge if you are dead?”

The inmate says that “her family will be better off”:  A lifeline statement could use the children factor.  A CO can ask if the inmate has children. If so, the inmate could be asked to imagine the children going to school and having to face questions and teasing about her mother’s death in the jail.

The inmate says:  “I’ll be happier in the hereafter”:  The CO can use the “religious card”:  “God’s greatest gift to us is life.  If you defy God and take your life, the hereafter for you may not be pleasant.  Do you want to take that chance and run the risk that you may be mistaken about your version of the hereafter?”

The inmate says “my life is over”:  The CO can say “Death is final.  You do not know what is coming down the road.  You do not know what will happen in court, or what sentence you may receive.  There are appeals, etc.  But if you are dead-you will never know”.

The inmate says:  “By doing this, I will be in control.”  The CO can pointedly remind the inmate that death is final and is also the ultimate loss of control.

The inmate says:  “At last they will see how much I loved them; they will love me in return”:  The CO counteracts with:  “You will be dead-so how will you know?”

Lifelines such as these can be blunt and abrasive…but saving a life is sometimes a tough job.  You won’t prevent all suicides, but acting as a lifeguard can prevent many.  Also, if the inmate appears to change their suicidal ideation, this does not mean that the danger is over.  They can relapse, and the staff has to monitor them and frequently talk to them no matter where they are housed in the jail.  By throwing lifelines, you are keeping the innate afloat until qualified mental health staff can see the inmate.

One more thought:  In the movies, the water rescuers are given a blanket and a cup of hot coffee.  Why?  They are tired.  Keep in mind that when you throw inmates lifelines and head off suicides, it is a draining experience.  But-if you exercise guarded compassion, empathy and you do care about the inmates in your custody………..saving a life can be a worthwhile experience.  After all-the greatest gift is…


American Correctional Association. (2010). Core Jail Standards.  Alexandria:  American Correctional Association.

Ellis, Thomas E., PSY.D. and Cory F. Newman, Ph.D. (1996).  Choosing to Live:  How to Defeat Suicide Through Cognitive Therapy.  Oakland:  New Harbinger Publications.

Johnson, Robert. (2002). Hard Time:  Understanding and Reforming the Prison, Third Edition.  Belmont:  Wadsworth.

Saveri, Gabrielle. (June 1, 2011).  Man kills self in San Francisco Bay as police watch.  Retrieved June 7, 2011, from



Predator, Chameleon and Model Inmate: The Same?

May 11th, 2011

We have all heard of the term “model inmate”.  A counselor in the facility may say that a well behaved inmate is a “model inmate”.  After nearly three decades having worked inside a jail, I am still looking for the perfect example of a “model inmate”, and so are many correctional officers in the field. 

 One of the classes that I present is a “Maintaining Boundaries” session, where I put a new spin on the traditional “Con Games Inmates Play” class.  Officers who attend the class are veterans and know how cunning inmates are.  Much of  the material is not surprising to them.

 Recently, one of my clients gave me an idea……and I want to share it with you.  We were discussing how to more effectively get the attention of the attendees.  He asked if I had ever thought how predators are like chameleons-changing their demeanor, mood and behavior to get their prey.  In other words inmates change appearances. I answered sure….that is a given subject when discussing inmate manipulation.

 He suggested an exercise:  ask the class to describe a predator and write the answers on the board.  Descriptions include:  sly, sneaky, deceitful, cunning, waits for a weakness, etc. Then ask them to discuss chameleons, the lizards that can change their appearances to suit their needs, such as hiding from dangerous animals.

 Finally, put this question out:  are inmate predators like chameleons?  [The answer will be yes].  Then ask why inmate predators are similar to chameleons-and discuss how that behavior can also be found in the proverbial “model inmate”.

 One of the best descriptions of the model inmate is from Inside the Criminal Mind, by Stanton E. Samenhow, PhD (Times Books, Alexandria, VA 1984).  He wrote:

 An inmate may conclude that direct confrontations with staff or fellow prisoners is futile, that there is wisdom in restraint.  The model inmate is the consummate actor.  Contemptuous of everyone from the warden to the guards, he still plays up to them.

 This is a profound statement.  In training, this should be posted for the class to see and discuss.  The resulting discussion should follow the components of the statement.

 Direct confrontation with staff or fellow prisoners is futile:  Why?  Simply more is accomplished by deception.  Confrontation, while resulting in short term bravado and improving one’s reputation among inmates, is a lose–win situation.   The inmate loses, the staff wins.  Disciplinary segregation or loss of privileges may result.

 The model inmate is the consummate actor:   The inmate uses manipulative schemes and ploys, using deception-being a “good” inmate, being helpful, obeying the rules, etc.  Staff-both sworn and non sworn may start to believe that the inmate “isn’t so bad”.

Contemptuous of everyone from the warden to the guards, he [or she] plays up to them:  All staff should keep in mind at all times that the number one priority of the inmate is-the inmate.  He or she wants access to the items and comforts from the outside through fooling staff.  They want to do time on their terms, not per the rules and regulations of the agency and facility.

 When discussing inmate behavior in training, I go around the class asking for “war stories” about manipulative inmates.  Even staff members who are new to corrections can relate incidents where they were fooled by inmates.  I discuss factual accounts that I have researched about offenders who have faked being intellectually challenged, pretended to be mentally ill, pretended to have cancer, stole identities and professional credentials, and seduced staff of the opposite gender.  Discussion point-what is to stop such manipulative behavior on the street from flourishing in the institution resulting in contraband smuggling, sexual misconduct and escape, just to name a few?

 There are two aspects of training that must be mentioned.  First, as we all know, war stories can make a class interesting.  The trainer should be careful and use war stories only to support and illustrate key points and objectives of the class.  A class that is in effective is one of “who tells the best war story”.  Secondly, in training non sworn staff, war stories can illustrate how inmates operate, and can also give a jolt to some civilians’ naivete.  As I told the civilians I train:  “Ten inmates that you think are ‘all right’ could be lined up in front of you, and unless you are psychic, you do not know which of them have good intentions and which ones do not.  That is the reason for policy, procedures and being careful.” 

 All staff-sworn and non sworn should be made aware of the facade of the “model inmate”.  To be fair, there are inmates who take advantage of every opportunity afforded to them in order to change their lives.  Many get off of drugs, many get sober, some get their GEDs, some learn a job skill and some repair strained family relations.  And yes-some never come back.  There are success stories.

 But-for each inmate who does the right thing, there are many who act-the “model inmate”.  Just think-should there be an Oscar for inmate acting?

 Just some of my thoughts.  What are yours?

 Reference:  Inside the Criminal Mind, by Stanton E. Samenhow, PhD (Times Books, Alexandria, VA 1984), p. 144.



The ‘Spark of Learning’: Some Advice for the Training Instructor

April 6th, 2011

Recently I had the pleasure of substituting for an instructor in a basic jail officer recruit class in a Virginia criminal justice academy.  I thought-what advice can I give them?  What can they take away from the training?  Although the curriculum is  prepared with the recruits filling in information, I enjoyed explaining the information and giving them the benefit of my experience.

 We all have been through the “rookie training” and were glad when we finally graduated from the academy.  But the “spark” that a conscientious jail officer develops in training should not be extinguished.  I have met many jail officers that want to continue learning throughout their careers.  The fire that is lit in the recruit academy never goes out.  The trick is to employ training methods and techniques that keep that flame lit.

The jail officer who attends an in service “just to get the [required] hours” in is not doing himself or herself as well as the agency any service.  I am not saying that jail officers attending in service training should “jump up and down” in class in enthusiasm or answer every question.  What I am saying are that many instructors, both civilian and sworn carefully research material to be presented and take teaching a class seriously.  In service classes can enhance our job performances.  Attendees should at the minimum have open minds about the class.

 I have seen corrections change significantly since I entered the field in 1978.   Now, as a retired deputy sheriff, now an instructor, I am still learning.  Many instructors are retired and the experience and insight that they have garnered can make training both interesting and helpful.  More information is now available about correctional security, staff training, avoiding liability, and offenders-to name just a few-than at any other point in the history of the profession.  Also, I learn something in every class-both in service and recruit-that I teach.  Many attendees come from professions related to corrections or work in facilities that have effective operations in place.

 In service training can now be presented on line, by webinar, video conferencing or by the traditional method of personal, stand up instruction.  No matter what the method, staff in attendance hopefully will be interested in learning.

 There are some challenges for the in service instructor.  They are:

 Including all staff:  Sworn staff members should realize that many types of workers make up the correctional team and not one group knows it all.  Civilians such as counselors, mental health personnel and medical staff can present some good, useful information.  Also, in service classes may contain court security personnel.  Collateral personnel must be included in the goals of the presentation.  No one should feel left out.

Class activities:  I like quizzes.  When presenting some classes I arrive bearing doughnuts…..yum.  I tell the class that if they can pass my quiz, they can have the doughnuts.  However, no one passes-the questions are factually based, fun and thought provoking.  They get the doughnuts anyway. We all know that when it comes to in class participation, some attendees are willing to learn and some are quiet.  Unfortunately, you have some that you know by their demeanor and facial expressions that they are there for the hours only.  I use role play when possible in an effort to “spark” their interest.    However, there will always be some that when dismissal time comes-they bolt for the door.

 Fighting the after lunch “I want to nap” attitudes:  After a heavy lunch, many in the class would take a nap if cots were provided.  Videos, humor and some “attention getters” are best saved for the afternoon.   Hourly breaks of 10 minutes duration are highly recommended, not only in the morning, but throughout the day.

 Keeping the interest focused:  Besides quizzes and similar activities, role plays, videos, Power Point photos can all help keep the class focused.  I do not pass out copies of Power Point slides.  I pass out a note taking guide consisting of a class outline with spaces for note taking.  I want the class to focus its attention on me instead of looking at a copy of what is on the screen.  I encourage discussion, often calling on class members for their opinions and thoughts.  I also use handouts.  Two great tools are Joe Bouchard’s books Icebreaker 101 (2007) and Icebreakers and More (2009), which contain many useful activities for the instructor.  (For these and more, please see Joe Bouchard’s Foundations page.)

Being a training instructor is a challenging task.  But-when you receive good evaluations (and take them seriously in order to improve the class) and realize that you have made a difference, enhanced their jobs and have learned something in return, it is a great feeling.

 Anyone have any instructional methods that they use?   Let’s share!

